An Introduction

Sarah Aguiar

Middle School Math Teacher

Middle School Robotics/First Lego League Coach
B.A. Child Development, California State University; Teaching Credential, California State University; M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, Eastern Washington University, Washington

Sarah has been teaching math and science in middle school for ten years. She came to Eastside Prep for the 2021-22 academic year from a public charter school in California where she taught math and science in sixth-eighth grades in the previous eight years. As a project-based learning educator, she has a passion for integrating subjects with math and curating curriculum. Sarah is currently working towards her doctorate in education.

Outside of teaching, Sarah enjoys exploring hiking trails and local museums. Often, she can be found working on her son’s micro-sprint race car and cheering him on at the race track most Friday nights.

Recently, I have done extensive research on best practices of mathematics education including math literacy, integration of technology, and project-based learning. Furthering my career in education, I aspire to support teachers develop their curriculum and programming designs to better meet the needs of students today. Integrating curricula with other subjects and applying content to our everyday lives engages students and teachers in the journey of education. I hope to inspire others to continue to question and develop their curriculum and teaching practices on a regular basis.